

16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

After a lovely early Autumn week of screenings, Q&A sessions, scientific conference for a very first time, presentations, talks & discussions, trainings, pitching session, industry meetings and many drinks, 16th IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival in Varna just officially ended.

Thank you all for the great time we had together - to all jury members, film representatives, film professionals, lecturers and speakers, musicians, guests, and Varna audience – you all rock! Keep going this way and meet you next year again – at the same place, at the same time!

It was an honor!

And now, the long waited moment came: the winners of 16th IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival:



2nd award goes to GYPSY WEDDING by Peter Chiviyski, Bulgaria

1st award goes to JOHANNESBURG by David Moya, United Kingdom







 16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

Special mention goes to the Chairs for its impressive destructive performance and simple, yet effective style.




16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival 

The experimental competition offered a very rich palette of styles and approaches. The jury was most impressed by Buzz Riot and decided to award this film with the main prize.





The range of documentaries at this year edition of the festival ranged from the tragic to the absurd. With this in mind, the jury was impressed by the absurdist examination of Romania's communist era birth control policy in LOVE & REVOLUTION.




16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

The range of documentaries at this year edition of the festival ranged from the tragic to the absurd. With this in mind, the jury was impressed by filmmakers given intimate access to a human tragedy. The award goes to LIFEBOAT.


Jury Members: Faisal A. Qureshi, Philip Ilson, Vítězslav Chovanec






SPECIAL MENTION: CIRCUIT by Delia Hess, Switzerland

16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

We have decided to give this animation a special mention because it effectively opens a poetic world of images that successfully negotiate the border between the abstract and the concrete, the eternal and the temporary. The animation represents the universal symbol of the circle in a rich variety of forms and shapes, and renders the topic of the delicate balance between humans and their environment. The images rhythmically flow into one another and build into a story that highlights cyclic recurrence and regeneration.



BEST STUDENT ANIMATION: THE KITE by Martin Smatana, Czech Republic/Slovakia/Poland

16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

We have decided to award this animation because it tells a life-affirming story through a visual technique that creates a heart-warming backdrop.Linear narrative is broken by a dream-like sequence leading to acceptance of the loss of a loved one as spiritual enrichment. The elaborate technique produces a surprising narrative development, and adds original details that create three dimensional characterization.




SPECIAL MENTION: MILLER & SON by Asher Jelinsky, United States

16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

After a heated debate, the jury has decided to give this film a special mention because it problematizes the masculine space introduced in the film using cinematic means in an efficient yet eloquent manner. We especially commend the use of the camera and editing to project a subjective experience, and reflect the tense situation the protagonist finds himself in. Suspense is built until the eventual confrontation which reconfigures the relationships among the characters. The film sends a message of acceptance of different identities and fatherly love, even in what may seem as the most unlikely of situations.



BEST STUDENT FICTION: DOUBLE D by Fey Lehiane, Netherlands

16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

We have decided to award this film because it offers an original perspective on the topic of the transition from childhood to adolescence, in opposition to other stories where this experience is often portrayed in a negative light. The narrative prioritizes community and girl bonding, avoiding stereotypes. Further, the film’s mise-en-scène is dense with ample and diverse visual details on the communal and personal dynamics. The atmosphere is light yet captures the depth and seriousness of the lived reality, both as a positive experience and as an important stage in the growth to maturity.


Jury Members: Ognyan Kovachev, Pascal Reinmann, Rita Capucho, Şirin Erensoy, Dr. Zelma Catalan







16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

Beautifully made futuristic animation, which emotionally explores the consequences of virtual reality and its clash with the real world and love.



16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

For its visually stunning language, reflecting on critical issue of globalisation and unification of contemporary society.



16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

Touching and beautiful story of love and destiny, accepting being different and finding your own way on Earth or cosmos.




SPECIAL MENTION: ASHMINA by Dekel Berenson, United Kingdom

16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

Ashmina is a beautiful film which masterful uses the cinematic elements. The film shows us the portrait of a determined young girl in a rough society and her struggle to support her family. It tells us her place in the modern Nepal society and reminds us how innocence can turn to violence.


SPECIAL MENTION: READY OR NOT by Mihály Schwechtje, Hungary

16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

For raising in an extraordinary realistic way, the important social issue of modern slavery in the EU – with brilliant acting.


BEST FICTION: BROTHERHOOD by Meryam Joobeur, Canada/Tunisia

16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

If we consider Cinema as a storytelling medium, Brotherhood is an outstanding example. This film, through a touching story, shows us how can war effect a family and how it could separate them when it happens. This is powerful filmmaking, convincing actor’s performances, and the issue of the war is delicately flows in the film. We are happy to give the best film award to Brotherhood.





16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

For the free spirit language, original idea and lively performance of the issue of fear, which everyone has within.


SPECIAL MENTION: DIMO`S FOREST by Hristo Simeonov, Bulgaria

16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

For the strong filmmaking language and raw presentation of an important social issues, such as corruption and deforestation.



16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival

For the beautiful, sad and poetic recreation of the loss and solitude, in a seemingly ordinary day.


Jury Members: Ali Asgari, Katya Trichkova, Sandy Lieberson


Congratulations to all winners of 16th IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival!

On behalf of all the team, we would like to thank all the filmmakers who submitted to IN THE PALACE and those who shared this experience here in Varna, to our festival partners, the volunteers, the participants, our guests, jury members and audience.

IN THE PALACE 2019 jury members

Тази седмица Международният фестивал за късометражно кино IN THE PALACE обяви членовете на журито, което ще отсъжда най-добрите късометражни заглавия в 4 състезателни категории в рамките на 16-ото издание на кинофорума. Прецедент за българската киноиндустрия е фактът, че най-добрите късометражен игрален и анимационен филм от международната селекция, както и победителят в националната надпревара ще имат възможността директно да влязат за разглеждане и да се борят за номинациите за престижните награди ОСКАР®.

Сред експертите, на които се пада нелеката задача да изберат победители от 144те заглавия тази година, спадат следните:

 Али Агарди (Иран) - режисьор на късометражни филми с над 600 участия по международни фестивали и носител на над 150 отличия.

Файзал - Азам Куреши - продуцент и сценарист, работил по именити документални продукции в Англия и САЩ.

Катя Тричкова (България) - основател на продуцентската компания Контраст филмс, която развива и продуцира документални и игрални филми.

Огнян Ковачев (България) - основател и ръководител на магистърска програма “Литература, кино и визуална култура” в СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”.

Паскал Рейнман (Швейцария) - кинооператор, основал компанията Nordhang Film GmbH в Цюрих.

Питър Мурдма (Естония) - кинооператор, организатор и директор на Sleepwalkers – международен фестивал за късометражно кино и директор на ShortEst Short Film Center.

Филип Илсън (Великобритания) - артистичен директор и съосновател на London Short Film Festival.

Рита Капучо (Португалия) - фестивален директор, програматор и продуцент, един от директорите на Международен филмов фестивал Porto Femme и програматор на сесиите Porto Femme.

Санди Либерсън (САЩ) - знакова фигура в европейската и американската филмова индустрия, съосновател на компанията Goodtime/VPS, продуцирала едни от най-значимите филми на 70-те и 80-те години на миналия век.

Ширин Еренсой (Турция) - продуцент и гост-лектор във Факултета по комуникации на университета Кади Хас.

Витеслав Чованец (Чехия) - програматор на One World Human Rights Film Festival в Прага, член на Чешкия филмов център и Чешки филмов фонд, където отговаря за промотирането на чешки документални и късометражни филми в чужбина.

доц. д-р Зелма Каталан (България) - преподавател в катедрата по англицистика и американистика на Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, лектор по български език и литература в университетите в Лийдс и Шефийлд, Великобритания и гост-професор в Щатския университет на Ню Йорк - Олбъни, САЩ. 

Богатата експертиза и опит на членовете на журито гарантират безпристрастната и експертна оценка на това кои заглавия заслужават да грабнат призовете на IN THE PALACE. Междувременно отвори официалната регистрационна форма за 16-ото издание на кино форума. Акредитация за събитието ще могат да получат специалисти от филмовата индустрия, студенти, изучаващи киноизкуство, както и медийни представители. За първа година IN THE PALACE отваря врати не само за професионалисти от сектора, но и за фенове и почитатели на късометражния жанр, които могат да закупят билети от касите на Фестивален и конгресен център - Варна, както и в мрежата на Eventim -

Акредитационна форма можете да откриете тук:

Напомняме, че фестивалът ще се проведе в гр. Варна от 19 до 26 септември в сградата на ФКЦ Варна. Цялостната програма на фестивала предвижда прожекции, професионални конференции и срещи с индустрията, питчинг сесия, както и редица концерти, част от музикалния фестивал IN THE PALACE. За пореден път екипът на фестивала отбелязва положителната тенденция все повече български автори да кандидатстват за участие с всяко следващо издание. За повече информация около IN THE PALACE, посетете

Международният фестивал за късометражно кино „IN THE PALACE“ e посветен на продуктите на късометражното кино, новите медии и дигиталните изкуства и е сред трите най-стари по рода си филмови форума на Балканите. Първоначално стартира като международен състезателен форум за студентски филми, но бързо прераства в професионален фестивал и успява да се утвърди като най-голямото и престижно събитие за професионално късометражно кино в региона. Той е единствен в България и се е превърнал в обслужваща структура на този сектор на съвременната култура. „IN THE PALACE“ е отличен с европейския лейбъл за качество „Европа за фестивалите. Фестивалите за Европа“ от Европейска фестивална асоциация, член е на Nisi Masa - European Network of Young Cinema, членува и в най-голямата световна мрежа за късометражно кино - Short Film Conference. От 2017г. фестивалът е сертифициран да номинира късометражни филми в седем категории за разглеждане от Академията за филмови изкуства и науки в САЩ за наградите Оскар®.


FILMER FORGE Short Film Pitch 2019


The forthcoming edition of FILMER FORGE@IN THE PALACE invites authors of compelling short film projects to pitch them in front of an international panel and win a grant towards their production.

The pitching session will have two related sections, as follows:

I.          NATIONAL PITCHING/DAY ONE/23 September 2019

Bulgarian filmmakers and producers who seek producing, funding, and development opportunities for their current or upcoming short film are invited to apply. Up to 20 national projects, selected on the basis of their application, will be invited to pitch to an international panel, and the 10 best projects will have the opportunity to take part in the INTERNATIONAL PITCHING on the second day of the pitching session.

II.         INTERNATIONAL PITCHING/DAY TWO/24 September 2019

International filmmakers and producers who seek producing, funding, and development opportunities for their current or upcoming short film project are invited to apply. Selected projects will be invited to present their work to an international panel.

On both pitching days, each project team/representative will have a fixed time to present their project and answer questions raised by the panel only. The competition focus will be on the originality of the concept, the artistic and production potential of the project, and on how convincing was the pitch itself.

In order to provide the best possible environment for international networking and project development, FILMER FORGE will be inviting a range of industry enablers to attend the pitching sessions. To ensure that all projects receive feedback, we will also be setting up face-to-face “speed date” meetings between those who have taken part in the pitching, the panel members, and the attending industry representatives – funders, producers, distributors, buyers, festival representatives, etc.

The best project/s will be receiving a financial grant.

How to apply?

All applicants (national and international) are invited to complete the Application Form and send it together with the additional materials to:


The deadline is 31 July 2019. 

Submit your projects now!




FILMER FORGE is the annual industry program of IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival targeting film creatives from Bulgaria and abroad. It takes place during the festival week and includes educational modules, industry meetings and a short film pitching session. It gathers together international professionals and industry representatives to discover and develop outstanding emerging talents through training and learning, mentoring and thinking, talking, listening and watching.

More information about FILMER FORGE you can find here.


16TH IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival OFFICIAL SELECTION

16th IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival





ANTXONI (dir. Rubén Saiinz / Spain / 2018 / 14`26``)

ASHMINA (dir. Dekel Berenson / United Kingdom / 2018 / 15`40``)

AT DAWN (dir. Julien Trauman / France / 2018 / 22`15``)

BEYOND THE TIDE (dir. Ingo Monitor, Jan Mocka / Germany / 2018 / 15`00``)

BRAZIL (dir. Mathilde Elu / France / 2017 / 11`11``)

BROTHERHOOD (dir. Meryam Joobeur / Canada/Tunisia / 2018 / 25`03``)

EN GARDE! (dir. Daniels Joffe / Latvia / 2017 / 12`50``)

LA CURA (dir. Angelo Frezza / Italy / 2017 / 17`01``)

LAST DAY OF SUMMER (dir. Aleksandra Czenczek /United Kingdom / 2017 / 13`28``)

LOW TIDE (dir. Ian Hunt Duffy / Ireland / 2018 / 14`28``)

MAMA (dir. Eduardo Vieitez / Spain/Turkey / 2017 / 08`47``)

MANIVELLE - LAST DAYS OF THE MAN OF TOMORROW (dir. Fadi Baki / Lebanon / 2017 / 29`23``)

MARADONA`S LEGS (dir. Firas Diab Khoury / Germany/Palestine / 2018 / 23`28``)

MUM`S HAIRPINS (dir. Tatiana Fedorovskaya / Ukraine / 2019 / 19`44``)

NIKO (dir. Andrej Košak / Slovenia / 2017 / 15`07``)

NOWHEN (dir. Gianluca Sodaro / USA / 2018 / 14`27``)

PIGEONBERRY (dir. Pici Pápai / Hungary / 2018 / 19`04``)

PORTRAITIST (dir. Cyrus Neshvad / Luxembourg / 2019 / 15`42``)

READY OR NOT (dir. Mihály Schwechtje / Hungary / 2018 / 11`02``)

SKIN (dir. Guy Nattiv / USA / 2018 / 20`55``)

STALKER (dir. Christopher Andrews / United Kingdom / 2018 / 19`37``)

THE ATHLETE (dir. Matthew Al Bauer / USA / 2018 / 02`42``)

THE BLUE CHILD (dir. Sandra Sánchez / Spain / 2018 / 24`58``)

THE CHRISTMAS GIFT (dir. Bogdan Muresanu / Romania / 2018 / 23`14``)

THE GOOD SHEPHERD (dir. Evar Anvelt / Estonia / 2018 / 22`27``)

THE SEA SWELLS (dir. Amir Gholami / Iran / 2018 / 16`15``)

THE WORLD CUP IN A SQUARE (dir. Vito Palmieri / Italy / 2018 / 15`00``)

TRICK (dir. Mariya Yevtushenko / Ukraine / 2019 / 07`12``)

TROLL BRIDGE (dir. Daniel Knight / Australia / 2018 / 15`53``)

VACA (dir. Marta Bayarri / Spain / 2018 / 15`00``)




A STORY BY JEANNOT (dir. Nicolas Bianco-Levrin, Julie Rembauville / France / 2018 / 16`00``)

CHRONOSYNC (dir. Sofia Laszlovszky / Hungary / 2018 / 07`34``)

ELECTRICIAN`S DAY (dir. Vladimir Leschiov / Latvia / 2018 / 08`44``)

FISHERMAN AND THE GIRL (dir. Mamuka Tkeshelashvili / Georgia / 2018 / 15`00``)

GIANT BEAR (dir. Daniel Gies, Neil Christopher / Canada / 2018 / 12`01``)

HE CAN`T LIVE WITHOUT COSMOS (dir. Konstantin Bronzit / Russia / 2019 / 15`41``)

I BLEED (dir. Tiago Minamisawa / Brazil / 2019 / 07`15``)

I`M GOING OUT FOR CIGARETTES (dir. Osman Cerfon / France / 2018 / 13`40``)

INHERITANCE (dir. George Kalofolias, George Mpaourdas / Greece / 2018 / 05`48``)

LA NORIA (dir. Carlos Baena / Spain / 2018 / 12`24``)

LISTEN, PAPA! (dir. Tatiana Poliektova, Olga Poliektova / France/Germany/Russia / 2019 / 13`00``)

LOST STEPS (dir. Per Nilsson / Sweden / 2018 / 10`53``)

MATCHES (dir. Géza M. Tóth / Hungary / 2019 / 11`25``)

PIROUETTE (dir. Adina Cohen / USA / 2018 / 04`30``)

ROUGHHOUSE (dir. Jonathan Hodgson / France / 2018 / 15`35``)

SAHARA PALACE (dir. Zélie Durand / France / 2018 / 08`34``)

THE BIRD AND THE WHALE (dir. Carol Freeman / Ireland / 07`04``)

TWO BALLOONS (dir. Mark C. Smith / USA / 2017 / 09`08``)

VIOLENT EQUATION (dir. Antonis Doussias / Greece / 2019 / 05`00``)





CHAMELEON (dir. Georgi Martev / Bulgaria / 2018 / 12`02``)

DIMO'S FOREST (dir. Hristo Simeonov / Bulgaria / 2018 / 24`17``)

PATRIK (dir. Evgeniya Radilova / Bulgaria/USA / 2018 / 09`47``)

SILENT MILK (dir. Elena Petrova / Bulgaria / 2019 / 07`03``)

WHOLE (dir. Slava Doytcheva / Bulgaria / 2018 / 20`47``)




ABOVE THINGS (dir. Ina Nikolova / Bulgaria / 2019 / 03`57``)

BUTTERFLY & MOUSE (dir. Mira Yankova / Bulgaria / 2019 / 14`19``)

EXISTENTIAL (dir. Nataliya Atanasova / Bulgaria / 2019 / 03`50``)

PAPER KITE (dir. Assia Kovanova / Bulgaria / 2019 / 08`15``)

PEACE (dir. Dimitar Dimitrov / Bulgaria / 2019 / 06`00``)

SHALLOW Vein (dir. Yoana Alexandrova / Bulgaria / 2019 / 04`37``)

TASKS OF THE DAY (dir. Petya Zlateva / Bulgaria / 2019 / 03`55``)

THE LAST DAY (dir. Dalibor Rajninger / Bulgaria / 2019 / 04`50``)





A SONG CAN'T BURN (dir. Roscoe Neil / United Kingdom / 2018 / 11`47``)

ARTIKO (dir. Jesus Mari Lazkano, Josu Venero / Norway/Spain / 2018 / 16`52``)

FRAGMENTS (dir. Mayte Carrasco / Spain/Colombia / 2019 / 22`09``)

HIGH PASSES (dir. Cosima Barzini / United Kingdom / 2018 / 21`17``)

I AM WRITING TO YOU, MY LOVE (dir. Magdalena Szymkow / Poland/Slovakia / 2018 / 25`40``)

IN THE DARK ROOM (dir. Luigi Abanto Varese / Spain / 2018 / 09`51``)

IN-VISIBLE (dir. Kamen Stoyanov / Slovenia / 2018 / 27`00``)

LIFEBOAT (dir. Skye Fitzgerald / USA / 2018 / 34`33``)

LOVE AND REVOLUTION (dir. Gabriel Tempea / Austria / 2017 / 03`44``)

M1-KØ (dir. Fahad Shaikh / United Arab Emirates / 2017 / 08`15``)

MANO (dir. Rosen Spasov / Bulgaria / 2018 / 20`27``)

ON THE EDGE (dir. Barbora Chalupová / Czech Republic / 14`02``)

STATE OF GRACE (dir. Luc Godonou Dossou / Switzerland / 2019 / 11`38``)

THE CONQUEROR (dir. Timothy Blackwood / USA / 2018 / 12`21``)

THE GRIND MESSAGE (dir. Niels Christian Askholm / Denmark / 2018 / 21`00``)

THE MAN WHO PLANTED A FOREST (dir. Sajeed A / India / 2017 / 05`38``)

THE WORLD OF SISI (dir. Krasimira Dukovska / Bulgaria / 2018 / 09`55``)

WHERE IS EUROPE? (dir. Valentina Signorelli / Italy / 2018 / 15`37``)




AQUARIUM (dir. Stephanie Maxwell / USA / 2018 / 06`02``)

BEING (dir. John Graham / Canada/Hungary / 2018 / 06`16``)

BUZZ RIOT (dir. Rudi van der Merwe / Swaziland / 2018 / 07`56``)

CHAIRS (dir. Avner Pinchover / Israel / 2019 / 11`42``)

DÉGUSTE (dir. Stéphane Baz / France / 2018 / 05`00``)

EXPECTATION (dir. Ivan Abadjiev / Bulgaria / 2018 / 05`19``)

HIERARCHY GLITCH (dir. Vessela Dantcheva / Bulgaria / 2019 / 05`59``)

LADIA (dir. Alvaro Congosto / USA / 2018 / 06`49``)

LAST SEASON (dir. Hamidreza Arashkia / Iran / 2018 / 14`57``)

LUMINOUS SHADOW (dir. Mariana Caló, Francisco Queimadela / Portugal / 2018 / 22`08``)

NEKYDALLO: LAST TRANSFORMATION OF THE CATERPILLAR (dir. Eleni Molfeta / Greece / 2018 / 08`38``)

PORTRAIT OF A PANEL BLOCK (dir. Veselin Zografov / Bulgaria/ 2018 / 26`25``)

QUEEN (dir. Ilina Perianova, Yagama Aka Marianna Perianova / 2018 / 04`13``)

THE COMMON SPACE (dir. Raphaële Bezin / France / 2018 / 09`40``)





8 (dir. Gabriele Fabbro / USA / 2019 / 17`41``)

ANTOINE (dir. Federico Papagna / Italy / 2019 / 19`59``)

BASTARD (dir. Daniel Guliyev / United Kingdom/Azerbaijan / 2018 / 18`39``)

DOUBLE D (dir. Fey Lehiane / Netherlands / 2018 / 19`51``)

DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES (dir. Peter Chiviyski / Bulgaria / 2019 / 27`01``)

ELIZABETH (dir. Wojciech Klimala / Poland / 2018 / 24`33``)

ESCAPE BY SEA (dir. Eero Heinonen / Australia / 2019 / 13`30``)

EXCUSE ME (dir. Olya Zheleva / Bulgaria / 2018 / 10`25``)

EYESHADOW (dir. Manuel Morales / Chile / 2018 / 21`22``)

FOLLOWING A BIRD (dir. Ivana - Kalina Dobrevska / Bulgaria / 2018 / 13`14``)

FORGIVENESS (dir. Julian Rachev / Bulgaria / 2018 / 11`16``)

GRAFFITI (dir. Barcsai Bálint / Hungary / 2017 / 19`34``)

HE PULLS HIS TRUCK (dir. Kirill Proskurin / Russia / 2019 / 24`28``)

HIGH SCHOOL LOVER (dir. Cielo Croci / Australia / 2018 / 07`37``)

HIGH TIDE (dir. Claire Zhou / Netherlands / 2018 / 22`05``)

HIS CANNIBAL GRANNY (dir. Dessislava Nikolova-Besedin / Bulgaria / 2019 / 15`30``)

I GREW A STATUE (dir. Aaron Arens / Germany / 2019 / 29`45``)

IN THE PALACE (dir. Nelson Polfliet / Belgium / 2018 / 22`26``)

ISHA (dir. Christopher Manning / United Kingdom / 2017 / 14`39``)

KRAY (dir. Konstantin Münzel / Germany / 2019 / 10`30``)

MILLER & SON (dir. Asher Jelinsky / United States / 2018 / 21`29``)

NOWHERE YET (dir. Gabriel Bagnaschi / United Kingdom / 2017 / 09`25``)

RUST IN PEACE (dir. William Welles / USA / 2018 / 17`38``)

SATAN (dir. Carlos Tapia / Switzerland / 2017 / 17`15``)

SUMMER HIT (dir. Berthold Wahjudi / Germany / 2019 / 19`17``)

THE GIRL AND THE TREE OF DESIRE (dir. Alexandra Lupashko / Russia / 2018 / 17`14``)

THIS IS YOUR CUBA (dir. Brian Robau / USA / 2018 / 20`07``)

WHERE THE SUMMER GOES (Chapters On Youth) (dir. David Pinheiro Vicente / Portugal / 2018 / 20`56``)




ANNA (dir. Jessica Mountfield / United Kingdom / 2018 / 05`15``)

APART (dir. Diana Cam Van Nguyen /Czech Republic / 2018 / 09`52``)

CIRCUIT (dir. Delia Hess / Switzerland /2018 / 08`41``)

EROSION (dir. Rotem Bloch / Israel / 2018 / 06`11``)

HAPPY ENDING (dir. EunJu Ara Choi / United Kingdom / 2018 / 04`45``)

HOMESICK (dir. Hila Einy, Yoav Aluf, Noy Bar / Israel / 2018 / 07`32``)

HORS PISTE (dir. Léo Brunel, Loris Cavalier, Camille Jalabert, Oscar Malet / France / 2018 / 06`01``)

HOUNDS (dir. Ido Shapira, Amit Cohen / Israel / 2018 / 05`47``)

LAUGH LINES (dir. Patricia Wenger / Switzerland / 2018 / 05`52``)

LOVE ME, FEAR ME (dir. Veronica Solomon / Germany / 2018 / 06`06``)

NO GRAVITY (dir. Charline Parisot, Jérémy Cissé, Fioretta Caterina Cosmidis, Flore Allier-estrada, Maud Lemaître-blanchart, Ludovic Abraham / France / 2018 / 07`57``)

ONE PERSON (dir. Mahboobeh Kalaee / Iran / 2018 / 03`31``)

PARASITE (dir. Yajun Shi / USA / 2018 / 02`22``)

POETIKA ANIMA (dir. Kriss Sagan / Slovakia / 2018 / 05`14``)

TECHNO (dir. Atanas Filipov / Bulgaria / 2019 / 03`41``)

THE KITE ( dir. Martin Smatana / Czech Republic/Slovakia/Poland / 2019 / 13`07``)

THE OUTLANDER (dir. Ani Antonova / Austria / 2018 / 05`00``)

THE STAINED CLUB (dir. Mélanie Lopez, Simon Boucly, Marie Ciesielski, Alice Jaunet, Chan Stéphie Peang, Béatrice Viguier / France / 2018 / 06`41``)

WILD LOVE (dir. Paul Autric, Quentin Camus, Léa Georges, Maryka Laudet, Zoé Sottiaux, Corentin Yvergniaux / France / 2018 / 06`59``)

YOU USED TO BRING ME FLOWERS (dir. Nofar Schweitzer / Israel / 2018 / 04`44``)

Congratulations to the teams of all selected films - you did a great job! Can`t wait to meet you in Bulgaria! <3

open-air screening Goethe Institut IN THE PALACE

Picture/Снимка: © Getty Images

As part of the Sommerfest celebrating the 30th anniversary of Goethe-Institut Bulgaria, IN THE PALACE is presenting an attractive selection of recent short films, produced in Germany, of course.  Do not miss the grand finale when, to celebrate German-Bulgarian friendship, we will be proudly screening a German-Bulgarian co-production.

Join Goethe-Institut’s celebrations including a great variety of initiatives and tasty treats – starting in the morning and ending late at night. Entrance is free.

You can see the full program here and the facebook event here.


Кино под звездите в двора на Гьоте-Институт!

Като част от Летния празник по случай 30-годишнината на Гьоте-Институт България, IN THE PALACE представя една повече от чудесна селекция от нови късометражни филми – разбира се, произведени в Германия. А като гранде финал на прожекцията, в знак на българо-немската дружба, за разкош сме ви приготвили и една копродукция с България :)

Заповядайте на празника на Гьоте-Институт, с голямо разнообразие от инициативи и гастрономични изкушения – още от сутринта, та чак до късни доби, вход свободен.

Цялата програма можете да видите тук, а фейсбук събитието тук

IN THE PALACE goes to Cannes

IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival team will be attending FESTIVAL DE CANNES and MARCHÉ DU FILM between 16 – 23 May and we will be happy to meet you there!

You can catch us at the MEDIA Umbrella stands at Marché Du Film or contact us in advance to schedule our meetings.

See you in Cannes!

IN THE PALACE in Clermont-Ferrand & Berlinale

Forthcoming in February

IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival team will be attending the Festival du court métrage de Clermont-Ferrand and the European Film Market - EFM at Berlinale.

We will be happy to meet you in Clermont-Ferrand in the period 3 – 7 February or in Berlin in the period 8 – 13 February. At the EFM in Berlin you can catch us at the MEDIA Umbrella or the Bulgarian National Film Center stands.

We are now putting together our schedule of meetings and will be glad to hear from you.

Student Academy Awards

Originating as a competitive student film forum in 2003 IN THE PALACE International Film Festival has always been a showcase for student films and has been offering a growing range of diverse educational opportunities for students of film.

We are delighted to announce that IN THE PALACE International Film Festival is now a Student Academy Awards® qualifying festival.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences® established the Student Academy Awards® in 1972 to support and inspire student filmmakers. Past Student Academy Award® winners have received 46 OSCAR® nominations and have won or shared eight awards.

You can submit your film to the Student Academy Awards® competition if that film meets all other eligibility criteria and has been selected for screening in competition at three film festivals recognized by the SAAs over the last two years.

Please go to to find out about the next submissions period, access the detailed SAA® application rules and online submission platform.

IN THE PALACE International Film Festival wishes you success with your application!

To submit your new, fresh and amazing student film to IN THE PALACE, please click here.

training course

KURO Hradec Králové z.s. organized Training course “Volunteering Management Upgrowth – VOLUME UP” in Yerevan, Armenia from 1 st October to 9 th October 2018.

28 participants took part in this project whose main aims were to create a space for reflection on the meaning of volunteering in European, national, local and, personal and professional contexts, create common standards on what a good quality volunteering means, to increase participants’ awareness on the power and potential of volunteering as a tool of youth work, community development and inclusion tool and to promote partnership-building and networking between participants.

The participants had a chance to explore the topics of volunteering, project management, quality features which make a successful project. Moreover, different funds and programmes supporting volunteering were presented. In the end, the participants came up with the suggestions for future projects that they would like to organize with the support of the other participants/partner organizations.

training course

training course

training course

IN THE PALACE in International Izmir Short Film Festival

19th edition of International Izmir Short Film Festival is running in the beautiful Aegean Sea town of Izmir between 30th October – 04th November 2018 and we are delightful to be part of this colorful celebration!

As truthful neighbors, Bulgaria is seriously represented by reliable delegation (:D) and amazing films!

IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival`s director Tsanko Vasilev gets in a role of a wise jury member in the International Competition of Izmir festival. Next good news is that among the finalists in this competition there is the Bulgarian short film Timmy by Lyubo Yonchev which had its world premiere at 15th IN THE PALACE just 4 months ago – keep our fingers cross for the jurors` final decision – go, go Timmy!

Last, but not least, IN THE PALACE`s manager Liliya Kucheva prepared a great programme of amazing Bulgarian short films, which will be screened in 3 cinema theatres in Izmir during the festival. The titles represented by IN THE PALACE are as follows:

SHAME by Petar Krumov 

RED LIGHT by Toma Waszarow 

CLOTHES by Vesselin Boydev 

MAYBE TOMORROW by Martin Iliev 

A great week in Izmir is yet to come!