Make Your Mark

Now is your chance to Make Your Mark

Below is the Make Your Mark ballot. Voting is easy! Just select the one UK-wide issue and one local issue that's most important to you.

Make Your Mark is an opportunity for 11-18 year olds across the UK to have their say and begin their democratic journey by voting on the policies they want to introduce or change.

The issues you vote as the most important will be debated by Members of Youth Parliament. They will campaign to influence the UK Parliament and their local representatives, ensuring that the views of young people are listened to by decision makers.

This is your opportunity to influence decision makers who can make a real difference on the issues that matter to you. Make Your Mark is one of the most important and influential ways young people can take part in a democratic process.

You have until 30th November to cast your vote!

Make Your Mark is British Youth Council campaign, supported by the UK Parliament.

Cast Your Vote Now!

The issues below have been voted on by the UK Youth Parliament and are not policies of the UK Parliament or Government.

Are you taking part with your school/youth organisation?*
Pick ONE topic most affecting young people across the UK:*
Pick ONE topic most important to you locally:*

This vote will prioritise the issues for the debate in the House of Commons (subject to a vote by MPs and COVID-19 restrictions), and the debate must include at least 2 UK wide topics due to the devolved nature of UK democracy.

Here's the serious bit

By voting in Make Your Mark you are agreeing that your vote can be shared with the British Youth Council and their affiliates. Have you read our terms and conditions and our privacy statement?